On Friday, June 06, 2014 11:04:09 Jonathan Riddell wrote:
> A decision needs to be made on Plasma branding because we are now a month
> away from release.
> I plan to use Plasma 5 for the generation of Plasma using KDE Frameworks 5.
> For technical numbers I'm using 4.97.0 for this beta and plan to release
> 5.0.0 in July.  Following releases will be 5.0.90 going for a release of
> 5.1.

That sounds right to me.

> That leaves the marketing release names.  My best idea is Summer 2014
> etc so this release will be the Plasma 5 Summer 2014 release.  This
> may annoy our antipodean and south american users however.
> Suggestions welcome but we do need to make a decision toot sweet.

The marketing name is "Plasma". We want to avoid using the version number as 
much as possible, but if need be, don't introduce something new, but use the 
technically correct version number -- anything else will just cause major 

> And the term "Plasma release" should be avoided, it sounds squelchy.


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