 - Keyboard activity switching and UI navigation (as seen in the blog post)

On 10 June 2014 12:43, Sebastian Kügler <se...@kde.org> wrote:

> Minutes from Monday Plasma Hangout Today!
> Present: AleixAntonis, Jonathan, Marco, Martin G., Martin K., David,
> Sebastian, Vishesh
> Antonis
> - Worked on wallpapers in Plasma Active shell
> - Created new touch-based UI to replace desktop UI
> - Added support for creating and editing activities
> - Exam period is starting, will be less available
> Jonathan
> - Made tarballs for Beta2
> - Everything seems to be green, but one build problem
> - Release engineering for Beta2 planned now
> Marco:
> - Bugfixing related to translations
> - Renaming plugins causes issues, catalogs names haven't caught up yet
> - Implemented color groups for Plasma SVG
> - Using color groups in Logout / Lock screen
> Martin G:
> - Bugfixing / -investigation (also translations-related)
> - Problems found all over the place, will send patches and report bugs
> - https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/118423/
> - https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/118461/
> - https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/118252/
> Martin K:
> - tested StatusNotifierItems for Qt4
> - Needs some fixes with Qt5-based systray
> - QIcon::setPath(...) isn't respected in Plasma.IconItem -> needs fixing
> - Timezone problem in digital clock bug
> David:
> - Hunted down bug in Qt
> - Much bugfixing
> - Login themeing should be universal (SDDM and Plasma)
> Sebastian:
> - "Random" bugfixes here and there
> - Merged streamlining of Comment fields for KCMs
> - Fixed bug with meta key (two review requests)
> - Worked on systemsettings redesign proof-of-concept
> - Worked on translations KCM, stranded at "installed languages don't show
> up
> in the UI" right now
> Vishesh:
> - Worked on Dialog class last week (for KRunner)
>     - collected use-cases
>     - wrote simple tests for each of them
> - Fixed baloo issues with Qt5
> - Will go over existing bugs to clean up buglist
> --
> sebas
> http://www.kde.org | http://vizZzion.org | GPG Key ID: 9119 0EF9
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