On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 3:09 PM, Marco Martin <notm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thursday 15 May 2014 11:39:00 Jens Reuterberg wrote:
> > Ok so after the feedback from the Beta Release an issue that we knew was
> > coming have happened. Visuals being the most easily accessible bit of
> > anything technical, people have reacted negatively to the lack of change.
> just to give a shot on every and single options, i gave a try to modifying
> oxygen in order to make it look like breeze (therefore sharing all the
> things
> that it does that are not related to painting, like drag the window from
> anywhere)
> this is the half done, half missing attempt (ignore the non changed
> elements)
> http://wstaw.org/m/2014/05/29/plasma-desktophP1414.png
> is pretty hacky, but *maybe* is possible to have in the end only a
> different
> stylehelper (and pixelmetrics/stylehints)
> so could be something worth exploring in the future
> Adding Hugo with a very due explanation of what it is:
The Visual Design Group came up with an idea for a new design for a widget
style in KDE.
But of course a Qt widget style is an huge undertaking that will take a lot
to do.
Now, Oxygen is the sum of years of experience and fixes, (and also does a
ton of things to make application behave well that are beside just
"painting", not to mention the companion themes that integrate nicely gtk 2
and 3 apps) and would really be a shame to lose all those years of
development and experience, so I was wondering how hard would be to adapt
the Oxygen codebase to a new visual style (would be a new style, or perhaps
hopefully something sharing a lot of code)

in the link above, there is a screenshot of an attemptIi made to quick and
dirty try to adapt some of the elements (is incomplete and only partial,
but promising, seems that changing rounded radiuses and removing some
gradients here and there gets pretty close)

Hugo, do you think it would be a feasible thing? And would you be
interested in it? (I was thinking about something like maintaining most of
the style, and set apart an oxygenhelper(as is now) vs breezehelper for the
different visual related things)

Marco Martin
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