Hey guys.

I don't understand why "File Search" (formerly Desktop Search) should go
under Applications.

Current application which can be used to search for files - Dolphin.
Current workspace stuff which can be used to search - KRunner, Milou,
Kickoff and Kicker.

It seems rather odd for it to be under applications. Could someone please
elaborate on the rationale behind it? I've tried reading the forums, but I
haven't really found much.

On Tue, Jul 1, 2014 at 1:11 PM, Sebastian Kügler <se...@kde.org> wrote:

> Hey,
> So as the subject suggests, I've just landed the new categorization for
> systemsettings. Changes are all over the place, so if you just update
> single
> repositories, your systemsettings will be quite empty. If you're re-running
> kdesrc-build, you'll find a mess with old and new categorized intermixed
> (is
> "intermixed" a word? If not, we should make it one.)
> A clean installation will give you the desired results, but you can also
> just
> delete all categories before running kdesrc-build:
> rm `kf5-config --prefix`/share/kservices5/settings*
> (Use at your own risk.)
> After that, running kde-src build should get you into the new
> systemsettings
> state. If you notice anything strange, please refer to this thread and
> discuss
> your issues there:
> http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=285&t=121053&start=60
> If you notice that I did something wrong when turning the huge graphic into
> changes to .desktop files, please let me know, and I'll fix it.
> Special thanks goes to our interaction and visual designers who did the
> research for this new categorization. I personally think it's a big
> improvement.
> Going forward, there's a lot of work ahead, and this is only the
> beginning. We
> need to overhaul KCMs, we need to simplify settings, modernize UIs, and we
> will likely also introduce a new shell (which we can do gradually with the
> different view plugins in systemsettings). For an experiment, try the
> sebas/quick branch in systemsettings. This new categorization is only the
> first step, and we decided to push this into 5.0, since it's a user-visible
> change, and we can keep things rather more stable from here on out.
> Cheers,
> --
> sebas
> http://www.kde.org | http://vizZzion.org | GPG Key ID: 9119 0EF9
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