On 07/07/2014 07:16 PM, Jonathan Riddell wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 04, 2014 at 10:36:00AM +0100, John Layt wrote:
>> Co-installabilty of Plasma 4 and Plasma 5 with minimal work required
>> by the distros is a must if we want to avoid the mess of KDE4.
>> Already openSUSE has announced that you can't have both installed at
>> once, which will force people to choose one or other, when what we
>> really want is for them to be able to try Plasma 5 out while still
>> being able to switch back to 4 if there are things that break their
>> workflow.
> They won't be co-installable just as konsole won't be co-installable
> with its kdelibs4 version, it's a new version of the same programme.
> But the parts that are used by applications, libraries and runtime
> parts need to be co-installable so kdelibs4 and kf5 applications can
> be installed on the same system.

There's still more work to do in this area. For example, a number of
applications depend on libkworkspace but there's a collision there
between kde-workspace and plasma-workspace.
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