On Wednesday 23 July 2014 13:40:28 Eike Hein wrote:
> On 07/23/2014 12:35 PM, Marco Martin wrote:
> > opinions?
> Hmm, let's talk about Task Manager ...
> I'm bringing back Icon Tasks for 5.1, and it would be nice to also
> ship Netrunner's Expanding Icons Taskmanager (similar to Icon Tasks,
> but launchers expand into regular tasks with labels when run, and
> all windows appear on the bar, grouped together and drag as one).
> I'm conflicted whether to make these different behaviors full-blown
> alternatives entries, or just options in the config dialog. The
> alternatives UI does change the discoverability equation a bit, but
> still. Thoughts?

I would really prefer multiple widgets with few options each, but the code 
sharing issue is a valid point

> E.g. KRunner has a mechanism whereby multiple .desktop files for
> the same plugin can be installed, and the plugin parameterized via
> keys in the .desktop. With this Task Manager might be one package
> (and one translation catalog, etc.), but multiple .desktop files,
> and the rest happen internally.

i could add a key in the metadata file, that overrides the folder where the 
package is searched for, so two plasmoid metadatas could point to the same 
plasmoid package

Marco Martin
Plasma-devel mailing list

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