
I'm trying to alter default configuration of systemtray applet. I want to
remove device notifier ("notifier") from there, but keep
"org.kde.notifications" and others. The problem is that whenever I touch
systemtray configuration (even simple reloadConfig call),
org.kde.notifications widget isn't added to it. I've tried many different
1. place the script in "updates" to remove notifier widget
2. place the script in "init", set DefaultAppletsAdded=true and add applets
manually (skipping notifier)

The later approach was working for some time, but stopped, I believe, after
upgrading to kde-workspace 4.11 (the exact version is 4.11.10-2-fc20.x86_64).
That script called manually correctly adds the widgets, which should be there
from the beginning.

Any idea what is wrong?

BTW How can I get debug messages? I can't find where that "print" is logged
when script is called at KDE startup.

The script:
for (var i in panelIds) {
    var panel = panelById(panelIds[i]);
    for (var j in panel.widgetIds) {
        var widget = panel.widgetById(panel.widgetIds[j]);
        if (widget.type == "systemtray") {
            //widget.writeConfig('hidden', 'notifier');
            widget.writeConfig('DefaultAppletsAdded', 'true')
            widget.currentConfigGroup = new Array('Applets');
            max = 0;
            for (k = 0; k < widget.configGroups.length; ++k)
                    if (parseInt(widget.configGroups[k]) > max)
                            max = parseInt(widget.configGroups[k]);
            widget.currentConfigGroup = new Array('Applets', max + 1);
            widget.writeConfig('plugin', 'org.kde.notifications');
            widget.currentConfigGroup = new Array('Applets', max + 2);
            widget.writeConfig('plugin', 'battery');
            print("qubes: Applets added as " + max)

Best Regards,
Marek Marczykowski-Górecki
Invisible Things Lab
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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