El Divendres, 15 d'agost de 2014, a les 22:02:56, Chusslove Illich va 
> > [: Albert Astals Cid :]
> > Of course, read the subject, we are speaking about Plasma here, not about
> > random applications [...]
> I did consider the subject, but through other messages I got a feeling the
> discussion had broadened. For my part, I don't see why we would ponder about
> this for Plasma alone, without relation to other things.

Because we're only releasing KF5 and Plasma5 for the moment :D

> This particularly holds for the idea of warning in the language KCM. As this
> KCM is supposed to be used to choose the language of everything, and not
> just of the Plasma workspace.

Yes, but most probably you're changing it from plasma, so it's quite easy to 
associate the shell with it, i mean it's not like we're going to show a 
warning if Firefox translation is low, no?

> > [...] random applications never had a $PERCENTAGE limit.
> They had it where the application's maintainer/release person decided to put
> one up, e.g. http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-i18n-doc&m=128026717907347 .

Right, non core apps had.

> As for the "official" limit that was/is applied for KDE SC language packs, I
> personally always regarded it as a proxy for commitment of a language team,
> rather than as a measure of release-sufficient quantity on its own.
> > Also I hope you're not suggesting a per langauge per application
> > $PERCENTAGE limit, are you?
> I'm not suggesting it practically, no. Because I don't expect anyone would
> have the persistence to maintain a huge list of percentages for one's own
> language.
> On the other hand, a single percentage per language for everything, default
> at 0%, would be feasible...

I don't understand what you mean here.

> >> [: Chusslove Illich :]
> >> I was thinking of a case where the user picks up a (glibc) locale in the
> >> login manager and that's it.
> > 
> > [: Albert Astals Cid :]
> > Yeah, that was already suggested by Luigi, and it's covered in the
> > "update" scenario, nothing hard at all.
> I admit I didn't understand the bit about "update" scenario.

Say you move from x.y.z to a newer version and suddenly the percetage is much 
lower, you'd get the warning the same you get it when selecting the language. 
This can be apllied the same for "first installtions/runs".


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