2014-08-15 7:47 GMT+02:00 Martin Gräßlin <mgraess...@kde.org>:
> On Thursday 14 August 2014 19:21:54 Pier Luigi wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Just pushed some initial draft of the Wayland protocols on Github [1]
>> I need people with knowledge of KF5 and plasmashell to comment it and
>> suggest improvements.
>> As we are speaking of protocols, please take a look at xdg-shell.
>> It's going to become stable soon [2] please point out your suggestion
>> before it's too late.
>> [1] https://github.com/plfiorini/protocols
>> [2]
>> http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/wayland-devel/2014-July/016056.html
> taskbar.xml:
> First of all: I don't like the name, it's too specific to a possible visual
> implementation. I'd suggest something like surface_management.xml.
> This brings me directly to the second point: it's not about windows it's about
> surfaces or maybe clients.

It's about surfaces "extended" by wl_shell_surface or xdg-shell those
are higher level than plain surfaces.
Plain wl_surfaces don't have a title or an app_id and doesn't know
about states like maximized or minimized, this additional information
is what makes them windows and not just plain surfaces.

Instead of taskbar.xml I would go for window_management.xml

> I'm not sure whether we need both minimize all and show desktop. On X11 it's
> the same (show desktop) and KWin has a config option to influence the
> behavior. I doubt it makes sense to pass such an implementation detail up to
> the shell.

Just removed minimize_windows and restore_windows.

> set_workspace: we don't have workspaces in the Plasma world, it's virtual
> desktops. And I would remove the -1 as special value. Let's add a dedicated
> state on_all_desktops instead.
> why do we need raise/lower? So far the taskbar cannot raise/lower, at least
> doesn't expose it. Raising comes implicit with activating.


> What about changing states like maximized, fullscreen, keep above, below, etc?

Maximized and fullscreen are in the window_state enum.
Use set_state to change the state.

Added keep above, keep below and shaded.

> Activities should probably be also exposed to the kf5_window interface?

What do you need for activities?

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