On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 09:20:49PM +0200, Eike Hein wrote:
> On 15.09.2014 13:11, Sebastian K?gler wrote:
> >Announcement:
> >     Freeze coming up: https://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/Plasma_5
> > [...]
> >Marco:
> > [...]
> >- will send email about freeze and -related process
> Just for clarification: There seems to be some confusion
> over whether the freeze for 5.1 is this week or next week.
> The linked wiki page lists 2014-09-25 as freeze date
> (next week) and several people have things in flight
> that are scheduled around that, including me and apol
> (who is working on some things planned Kicker
> functionality depends on).
> I.e. I plan to merge additional features + messages
> before the scheduled freeze date next week.

Freeze is a week on Thursday,25th September.  I tidied up the schedule
last month and did post about it but I should have hilighted this
change, sorry for the confusion.

I'm on holiday this week and not much online, canoeing to independence.

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