Hello all,

I just realized that in pushing the Breeze Dark color scheme to the
Plasma/5.1 branch of the breeze repo, it likely violates the string freeze
(the name of the color scheme). So when I pushed the new Breeze Dark icon
theme I only pushed it to master since the icon theme name and description
are new strings.

The Breeze Dark icon theme allows the user to select an icon theme that
provides appropriate monochrome icon contrast for dark application color
schemes and also for the already-available Breeze Dark plasma theme. In the
latter case it provides some remedy for the icon visibility issues where
icons from the main icon theme are displayed (like on the Application
Launcher "Leave" tab, taskbar, etc.). So now I'm not sure what the least
bad result is;
A. Leave the breeze repo Plasma/5.1 branch as is with no remedy for the
main icon theme visibility issues with dark color schemes or the Breeze
Dark plasma theme OR
B. Revert the Breeze Dark color scheme commit in respect of string freeze
with similar downsides as A OR
C. Further violate the string freeze by pushing the Breeze Dark icon theme
to the Plasma/5.1 branch to provide a remedy for the icon visibility issues
with dark application color schemes and with the Breeze Dark plasma theme.
D. ?

Of course the best solution would have been to get these changes in before
the string freeze. For that I apologize. But here we are, and I need some
help making a decision.

Thanks much for your patience and help,
Plasma-devel mailing list

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