so i dug a little further, and found that KServiceTypeTrader
is used, which in turn uses KSycoca.

am i mistaken that this means plasmawindowed doesn’t search in the current

how to run kbuildsycoca5 in a way that my plasmoid is being found?

2014-11-08 12:31 GMT+01:00 Philipp A. <>:

> Hi, i’m currently building a plasmoid using CMake:
> the directory structure is (simplified):
> org.kde.plasma.steam/
> → contents/ui/main.qml
> → metadata.dektop
> plugin/
> → qmldir
> → backend.cpp
> i build in a way to create the expected layout for QML imports:
> # build lib and copy "qmldir" to 
> "build/org/kde/plasma/private/steam"set(CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY 
> ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/org/kde/plasma/private/steam)
> add_custom_command(TARGET steamplugin PRE_BUILD
>                    COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy 
> ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/plugin/qmldir $<TARGET_FILE_DIR:steamplugin>)
> target_link_libraries(steamplugin [...])
> …after which i also have the following tree:
> build/org/kde/plasma/private/steam/→ qmldir
> →
> now i want to run it from the directory we’re in for testing purposes:
> QML2_IMPORT_PATH="$CWD/build" plasmawindowed org.kde.plasma.steam
> but all i get is:
> Trying to open ksycoca from "/home/phil/.cache/ksycoca5"
> Unable to load applet "org.kde.plasma.steam" with arguments ()
> why? doesn’t plasmawindowed try to load from the current directory?
> what directoris *does* plasma try to find its plasmoids in?
> /usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/
> ~/.share/plasma/plasmoids/# more?
> what environment variable is responsible? do i need to set that for
> plasmawindowed to work?
> when installing via plasmapkg2, i have a .desktop file: shouldn’t
> plasmawindowed make this unnecessary or do i need it? if so, can i create
> it via cmake during build, not install?
> where are the cmake docs for KDE stuff like plasma_install_package? i want
> docs, not commits when i google a command name!
> Best regards,
> Philipp
> ​
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