Hi all,
since at akademy there seemed the interest in it,
I have been working on some classes i extracted from libplasma to be on their 
own, those related to Plasma::Package, since several applications have the 
interest of having scriptable or anyways non-binary content shippable over 
you can find them in the kpackage repository.

there are:
KPackage::Package -> no API changes from Plasma::Package
KPackage::PackageStructure -> no API changes from Plasma::PackageStructure

KPackage::PackageTrader -> loadPackage extracted from Plasma::PluginLoader, 
plus added a query() method similar to KPluginTrader one.

I'm interested to publish the thing as a framework soonish (so then i can 
start to port the Plasma::Package usage to this)

The main thing i would like to get discussed, is that There also seem the 
interest of trimming its dependencies, since atm it would need to be tier3 due 
to KService dependency..
It could go down tier2 in this way:
* porting all the internal and api use of KPluginInfo to KPluginMetadata
* removing all the query functionality, (since it needs 
KPluginTrader::applyConstraints) and making instead KPluginTrader able to find 
packages as well

Opinions? comments?

Marco Martin
Plasma-devel mailing list

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