On Saturday 08 November 2014 23:35:17 Martin Klapetek wrote:
> Hey,
> if the only advantage is week numbers for free, I'd rather keep our own
> stuff. Our model already has week numbers iirc and I would like to keep the
> default calendar as simple as possible. I've been thinking for some time
> about shipping second calendar applet with all the power features, but
> keeping the default simple; with the Alternatives menu it can be powerful
> when needed. And this could use whatever under the hood.

Always glad to see when people put the "Simple by default. Powerful when 
needed." principle into practice. And yes, the Alternatives system is the 
ideal tool for that.
So yes, one simple default Plasmoid and one (or more) powerful one(s) for 
those who need one is the best solution.
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