
I'm currently hitting a problem where I don't know what to do about it. In 
KWin we use PlasmaCore::Dialog a lot (e.g. in Alt+Tab). Now with Qt 5.4 I 
would like to get all QQuickWindows to use QQuickRenderControl. The reason for 
this is that it would allow us the following:
* make KWin's OpenGL context and Qt's OpenGL context sharing. Advantage: we 
can bypass X completely when rendering a Quick scene and we can get KWin's 
textures into Quick (e.g. thumbnails without hacks).
* control the rendering from KWin's side: we should get better performance if 
we do not have multiple OpenGL contexts which perform swapBuffers in the same 

Unfortunately one can only use the QQuickRenderControl if one creates the 
QQuickWindow with the ctor taking a QQuickRenderControl* argument. So for all 
cases where a PlasmaCore.Dialog is instantiated in QML this cannot work.

Any ideas how we could solve this problem? Could we make Dialog wrapping a 
QQuickWindow instead of inheriting it? Or are there better solutions?


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