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(Updated Jan. 5, 2015, 2:33 p.m.)

Review request for Plasma and Kai Uwe Broulik.


Fixed the positioning getting wrong sometimes (thanks Kai for investigating)
Fixed duplicated notifications in case of ones that are being grouped

Bugs: 339732

Repository: plasma-workspace


There can easily be situations where the popups could overlap one another or 
result in strange animations. This patch rewrites the notifications so that all 
actions such as show/reposition/hide are handled from a one single place and 
every action is properly queued and protected around, which makes it more 
robust, more predictive and less chaotic. There's also a slight delay between 
every action so it's also visually much more cleaner and easier to see what's 
going on. 

Diffs (updated)

  applets/notifications/package/contents/ui/NotificationPopup.qml 4491230 
  applets/notifications/plugin/notificationshelper.h af8f6fa 
  applets/notifications/plugin/notificationshelper.cpp 425f0d6 
  dataengines/notifications/notificationsengine.cpp d4b7f19 

Diff: https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/121360/diff/


Tested whole day plus stress-tested with something like for i in {1..200}; do 
notify-send "$i - $RANDOM" "$RANDOM sdf sdf sdfwefhsdjfnskdfbkwefnos igodsfgn 
sodifgj asodfgnsdlfgdf g"; done executed from 4 terminals at once, all works 
fine and as expected.


Martin Klapetek

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