El Dijous, 19 de març de 2015, a les 17:52:15, Jonathan Riddell va escriure:
> 5.2.2 tars are up on depot, happy packaging
> These tars add documentation translations, looks like the Brazilians have
> been hard at work.
> Please check over info and announcement pages and let me know of any
> improvements or changes

Title says: KDE Ships Plasma 5.2.2, Bugfix Release for March
Do we really need the "Bugfix Release for March" in there?
The next line after the title says March and bugfix already and i think it 
makes the title a bit too much of a mouthful

I don't think dumping the whole changelog in there looks good, i very much 
prefer what you did with the 5.2.1 announcement, i.e. selecting a few commits 
(can even be semi random) and then a link that says "Full Plasma 5.2.1 
changelog", also gives us a better excuse to not make the full changelog 

You guys should use the script in release-tools for generating the changelog 
so people can get links to the commits and to the bugs/reviwes if they are 


> https://www.kde.org/info/plasma-5.2.2.php
> https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.2.2.php
> Martin G said a fix for KWin was needed, I'm not sure if that got in or
> not, so we may need to update that tar.
> Devs please check the errata is still accurate
> https://community.kde.org/Plasma/5.2_Errata
> Jonathan

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