Good stuff!

Here are my comments:

> sudo chown -R user:group /opt/kde

I think this should either use $USER or `whoami` rather than "user" ?

> Uncomment the last two lines if you also want to build the Applications
and PIM suite.

This should probably be inside the kdesrc-buildrc itself. Maybe
it could also have a comment inside about the "make-options -j4"
needing adjusting and possibly should be mentioned outside too.

There's also the "ignore-kde-structure" option, should this perhaps
be set to true by default? I honestly see a little point having that
structure mirrored on your disk, it's just confusing and takes time
to find anything.

Should that be the default, then I'd also suggest to skip the
"mkdir -p extragear/utils" in the first steps and just clone directly
to the sources dir. It's also a bit cumbersome having to go to
/opt/kde/sources/extragear/utils/kdesrc-build each time you want
to rebuild things (yeah tab helps but it's still annoying).

Maaaaaybe the kdesrc-build could/should be linked to
/opt/kde/install/bin (which is added to $PATH)?  Then
the kdesrc-buildrc would have to be in ~/.kdesrc-buildrc I think.

Overall I feel the kdesrc-buildrc could be a bit better documented.

> #install-session-driver true

This should be removed altogether or documented why is it there.

> export QTDIR=/usr/lib/qt

As the kdesrc-buildrc mentions that the path should be changed
if custom qt is being build, probably it could use a comment here
as well ("Running Plasma" section).

> You may try going back to a previous code version (git skills required),
> or wait sometime for the developers to fix the code.

"...or try helping with fixing it"? ;)

Otherwise, thanks for doing that! It rocks.

Martin Klapetek | KDE Developer
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