On Fri, Apr 03, 2015 at 08:52:09PM +0300, Antonis Tsiapaliokas wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 03, 2015 at 06:08:52PM +0200, David Edmundson wrote:
> > Can it go under kde/workspace if in future it will depend on something in
> > extragear?
> >
> > I still support doing the rest, and making / release.. I'm just not sure we
> > can do the move and release it with plasma.
> At the moment the only application inside from the Plasmate repo
> which depends on extragear is Plasmate (the application), and it depends on 
> the
> Kdevplatform. The rest of the applications doesn't depend on extragear.
> Plasmate (the application) is currently being disabled from building by 
> default.
> So the Plasmate repo doesn't need something from extragear in order to build.
> In the feature Plasmate (the application) will be build as an optional 
> depedency
> only if the Kdevplatform is being present.
> So kde/workspace is building first from the kdesrc-build, so if we move the 
> Plasmate
> repo there, Plasmate (the application) it will never get build.
> It will require a rebuild.

I don't have a problem with it depending on stuff in extragear as we
depend on many external items.  As long as that stuff we depend on in
extragear doesn't depend on stuff in plasma.

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