Am Montag, 10. August 2015, 22.00:59 schrieb Jens Reuterberg:

Morning visionary people

Sounds like productive and good work. Liked to read it and like the overall 

One thing I'd like to state for change (hopefully in a constructive manner) 
see below.

> PRESENT: Ivan, Sebas, Thomas and Jens
> write up a vision statement for Plasma Mobile and talk about the early work
> of the Plasma Mobile HIG and design goals.
> The vision we ended with, after much debate of different wordings, what
> should and shouldn't be included in a vision statement was
> "Plasma Mobile aims to become a complete software system for mobile
> devices. It is designed to give privacy-aware users back the full-control
> over their information and communication. Plasma Mobile takes a pragmatic
> approach and is inclusive to 3rd party software, allowing the user to
> choose which applications and services to use. It provides a seamless
> experience across multiple devices.
> Plasma Mobile implements open standards, and -- unlike Android -- it is
> developed in a transparent process that is open for the community to
> participate in."

I'd definitely scratch "-- unlike Android --". I think that's something for 
the case if somebody asks: But what about Android, isn't it open source. Then 
you can describe it. But not in a vision statement. Don't refer in there to 
another competitive product. Plasma Mobile can work and define itself on its 
own. You don't need to differentiate from others like this. Be self-confident.


Nothing to add to the rest. Looking forward to see Plasma Mobile prosper.

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