--- Comment #5 from Nick Levinson <> ---
This is for consideration for future versions if applicable, given that this
one is closed to bug fixes.

Enter should be supported. I think it's common. I tested it (after the last
post above) in gedit and Firefox and both support it.

> Yes, if there are no notifications, clicking
> on the notifications icon does nothing. If
> there are notifications, the icon should
> not be hidden in the first place.

Nongeeks will not expect that. That the existence of a notification means the
icon has to have been relocated is too much for a nongeek to remember. So is
that nonresponse means a lack of notifications, when it ordinarily means that
it's broken. There should be a notifications quantity, either zero or a
positive integer, stated.

Whether the two apps I saw are unrelated to the problem or not, the quantity
should be somewhere, perhaps in one of those apps or perhaps elsewhere, and it
should be easy for a nongeek to figure out where the quantity is.

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