Present: Riddell, kbroulik, notmart, mgraesslin, obogdan, sebas
Date: November 30 2015

- 5.5 tarballs due to be made this week
- release due next Tuesday
- will send out invitation for a 5.6 kickoff meeting

- I added support for "Jump Lists" to Task Manager and Kicker/Kickoff. These 
are additional actions an app can specify in its desktop file, for instance 
"New incognito window" to launch your browser directly in incognito mode or 
jump directly to some other screen (eg. Steam allows to go directly to its 
game library, screenshot gallery, store and what not; or LibreOffice launcher 
allows to open Writer/Impress/whatever directly)
I started a forum topic for discussion on which actions make sense for which 
- See my blog post
- I really wish the "Purpose" thing was more prominent, it's basically hidden 
in the quickshare plasmoid at the moment.
- The 5.4.4 bugfix release discussion went nowhere I guess?
- LTS Plasma release? I suppose 5.6 would be agood candidate with Qt 5.6 LTS 
and Kubuntu 16.04 LTS

- has been fighting multiscreen on wayland
- multiscreen rendering is now in kwin master
- changes in many effects are needed to support the new shader API
- phone graphics: hunting down a crash in libhybris

- Kubuntu status meeting, discussed translation infrastructure

- mostly working on mobile components, almost happy about the behaviour for a 
first draft
- we've integrated these components into an Android application that uses 
Plasma components
- tried modifying breeze icons to match Plasma's stylesheet, review is stuck, 
needs talking to Uri
- Amarok dev is porting the Amarok context view to Plasma 5, needs a bit of 
hand-holding but provides a useful test case for Plasma
- has a mini systemtray rewrite, very small, but could be made to have all the 

- got kscreen wayland backend working
- code needs cleaning up now, then will submit for review
- worked with Marco on Plasma mobile components

sebas |
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