Hi. One week ago I asked a question at forum.kde.org, but nobody responded, so 
I'm now trying here in the mail list, please redirect me to the appropiate list 
if this one is not the correct one. I'm copying the question...
Hi, I'm creating a QML plasmoid that will write data to a file in disk. I have 
searched a lot, and it seems that it is not possible with a pure QML plasmoid. 
Web pages say that the only way to do it is by adding C++.
The problem with adding C++ is that, as I understand, the plasmoid will have to 
be compiled, so I will get some binary files that won't work in all Linux 
distributions. In other words, the plasmoid will be less portable: I will have 
to create a different file for each Linux distribution before posting the 
plasmoid to kde-apps.org, or the user will have to download the source code and 
compile it for his/her distribution. It is a mess.
I think that file I/O should be possible from a pure QML plasmoid. It is a core 
functionality for a high percentage of plasmoids. If you make it difficult (by 
requiring the C++ mess), less programmers will create plasmoids, so less 
plasmoids will be created.
In fact, file I/O was possible in kde4 from a pure javascript plasmoid, by 
using the "Local IO" library: 
I really would like to listen that file I/O is possible from a pure QML 
plasmoid in kde5. Or at least that developers are already working on a kde 
library to make it possible.
Thank you
(I didn't know if I should post it at "Brainstorm" forum or here, but I wanted 
to ask first)
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