On Wed, Jan 06, 2016 at 11:58:30AM +0100, Marco Martin wrote:
> > I will talk to Sebastian about synching our code base with upstream again
> > and hope that I can help contribute to the upstream project.
> One thing I would love to see, is the components downloaded and built at 
> setup 
> time (like if i understood correctly is happening with Marble right now)
> at the moment, they are just embedded in a big qrc, that was good as a proof 
> of concept, but i would really like it to be done more "properly" (also 
> because for this reason i refrained so far in doing C++ based components, but 
> i may need to add a couple of classes in a proper import plugin.. this hoping 
> it doesn't make things too difficult in Android)

Building for Android is painful (as Sebastian will confirm). Adding
something where an application after being started downloads other
components... not going to happen. At least not for Subsurface. I want to
be able to offer the user an .apk that works.

There apparently is a way to separate the Qt libraries from your apk. I'm
not doing that either :-)

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