On Monday 08 February 2016, Martin Graesslin wrote:
> Plasma is the brand for the "Desktop Shell". Why use Plasma as the name for
> the components, then? Isn't that going to be confusing for devs. Like the
> assumption that you need Plasma or it's only for Plasma? Kind of
> introducing the same problems as we used to have with the generic KDE
> name?

what i was thinking about is that we have this work tightly coupled together 
the HIG work.
That's pretty much the pack of things that google calls "Material design" 
(blackberry had cascades, microsoft could have metro but fucked up, apple 
doesn't seem to have a name)
"Breeze Design" wouldn't go i think, because is more just a theme, we probably 
need an hip name for the components, and general design/hig of applications.

We could call it something high brow like "Flow" or some bs like that

Marco Martin
Plasma-devel mailing list

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