On Tue, Feb 09, 2016 at 06:00:58PM +0100, Marco Martin wrote:
> > That isn't useful in the way it's implemented right now, though. I can
> > pull it up but it springs right back. So if my list has a "tap to open an
> > item" feature, it is /really/ hard to open the last entry in that list
> > (that's how I noticed this whole issue and started to track this down
> > because I couldn't open the last dive in the list).
> yeah, it's supposed to have extra empty margin at the end of the list 
> (bottomMargin property), that can either be set or use the default component 
> for the list,
> RefreshableListView (that also optionally offers the pull down to refresh 
> behavior many apps have, since that list is fetched from a server, it may be 
> useful)

What am I missing?

$ git grep RefreshableListView

Is this a future component? Am I looking in the wrong spot?

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