> On Feb. 27, 2016, 10:27 vorm., Kai Uwe Broulik wrote:
> > Nice!
> > 
> > Regarding the ComboBox issues, we know, it's horrible, sizing is broken and 
> > the popup is always white. Not much we can do here :(
> > 
> > I gave the applet a try and there's a couple of issues:
> > 
> > - It seems Plasma doesn't properly setup the widget. If I drag it to the 
> > desktop it works but if I double click to add it it says "Error loading 
> > widget: Package does not exist", same when I add it to system tray.
> > - It doesn't properly load a new weather station, the busy indicator just 
> > spins forever; I need to restart Plasma for the weather to show up.
> > - The popup size when placed in a panel and the default size on the desktop 
> > is way too small
> > - The plasmoid is just empty when it is not configured; Plasmoid has a 
> > configurationRequired property which shows a "You need to configure this 
> > thing first [Configure]"
> > - It sometimes seems to forget the weather station when I open settings and 
> > when I then save settings the applet is blank again
> > - Sometimes it doesn't find any weather stations in the search
> > - The tooltip subtext is blank (but not empty, ie. I get an additional 
> > empty line)
> > - The strip with the temperatures needs to be taller, text barely fits in 
> > there. The weather icons also leak outside the strip but this looks like it 
> > might be intended.
> > 
> > It also looks like we need some Breeze weather icons :)
> Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
>     Thanks a lot for your detailed review and testing, very appreciated!
>     > if I double click to add it it says "Error loading widget: Package does 
> not exist", same when I add it to system tray.
>     Confirmed. Same issue here also with the comic applet. Perhaps something 
> related to being cpp-backed applets? Shall I file a bug so it can be tracked? 
> At least I assume nothing I can fix in the applet itself.
>     > It doesn't properly load a new weather station, the busy indicator just 
> spins forever; I need to restart Plasma for the weather to show up.
>     Can reproduce, at least the busy indicator on the compact applet, still 
> investigating how the busy flag is set to wrong value. But here the config 
> itself works, the new weather station is used and data shown as expected. 
> Just the busy indicator stays.
>     So still ISSUE.
>     > The popup size when placed in a panel and the default size on the 
> desktop is way too small
>     Yes. Seems there are binding issues with the width & height values, I am 
> still lost what the Plasma5 approach is and need to investigate more.
>     So still ISSUE.
>     > The plasmoid is just empty when it is not configured; Plasmoid has a 
> configurationRequired property which shows a "You need to configure this 
> thing first [Configure]"
>     The C++-code (for the base class) uses 
> `Applet::setConfigurationRequired(false)`, is that no longer working or not 
> enough?
>     > It sometimes seems to forget the weather station when I open settings 
> and when I then save settings the applet is blank again
>     I have not seen that, any chance you can tell how to reproduce?
>     > Sometimes it doesn't find any weather stations in the search
>     Wetter.com might sometimes tack a few secs, though usually replies 
> instantly. The service behind "noaa" data engine though seems to 
>     Needs perhaps inspection and fixing in the weather dataengines (in 
> plasma-workspace/dataengines/weather/. The code/logic in the weather applet I 
> mainly moved around (from old WeatherConfig class to LocationListModel), 
> still possible I messed something up.
>     > The tooltip subtext is blank (but not empty, ie. I get an additional 
> empty line)
>     Fixed, catching the case where "%1 %2" is filled with empty strings due 
> to no data.
>     > The strip with the temperatures needs to be taller, text barely fits in 
> there. The weather icons also leak outside the strip but this looks like it 
> might be intended.
>     I think it is by design. The Plasma4 version looked the same. And I do 
> not want to mess around with the design, that I happily leave to VDG once the 
> applet itself is ported and works in a first version :)

> Shall I file a bug so it can be tracked?

Yes, please, indeed looks like a bug with native applets, perhaps the setup 
applet scripts or so aren't run properly. Marco?

> is that no longer working or not enough?

Can you try from QML? Plasmoid.configurationRequired: true; perhaps it was 
broken/never ported to the new QML containment as we haven't had a plasmoid so 
far in Plasma 5 that actually used this; if it doesn't, file a bug, please.

> Seems there are binding issues with the width & height values

Try with Layout.minimumWidth and/or preferredWidth.

> I think it is by design.

For the weather icons that's fine but I have a high dpi screen and thus large 
fonts and so the temperature barely fits into the strip whereas on your 
screenshot it looks fine. Try setting the height to theme.mSize(yourlabel.font) 
(or so)

> On Feb. 27, 2016, 10:27 vorm., Kai Uwe Broulik wrote:
> > applets/weather/package/contents/ui/DetailsView.qml, line 41
> > <https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/127193/diff/1/?file=445617#file445617line41>
> >
> >     visible: !!elementId ?
> Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
>     If that shortcut is okay with Plasma JavaScript pattern policy, okay. 
> Picked up.

I don't think we have a policy for this, you could also do elementId !== "" but 
I was more referring to not asking for the rowData.icon property again if you 
use it for the icon already, makes it clearer imho but that's up to you :)

> On Feb. 27, 2016, 10:27 vorm., Kai Uwe Broulik wrote:
> > applets/weather/package/contents/ui/FiveDaysView.qml, line 62
> > <https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/127193/diff/1/?file=445618#file445618line62>
> >
> >     Again, PlasmaComponents.Label
> Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
>     Done. But this shows a strange bug on initial layout, the first item in 
> the row is lower (disappears if e.g. the size of the applet is changed). 
> Marked as TODO in the code for now.

The PlasmaComponents.Label sets a default height of "letter M height * 1.6" or 
so which might cause this, try resetting this to the defaults:

height: undefined

> On Feb. 27, 2016, 10:27 vorm., Kai Uwe Broulik wrote:
> > applets/weather/package/contents/ui/configGeneral.qml, line 48
> > <https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/127193/diff/1/?file=445623#file445623line48>
> >
> >     I think abusing the ComboBox for the results is a terrible idea and it 
> > always was. Can we do better than that, like a search input and then a 
> > TableView of results below or something like that?
> Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
>     Agree that the approach is rather "interesting" and should be revisited 
> by UI experts. As said, for now concentrated on porting the existing applet 
> and would like to postpone this to after the applet is ported as it is. Okay 
> to drop this for this review?

Ok, sure, but we should make sure we don't forget it. :) I think that would 
also alleviate the feeling of "It's not loading anything" if we had a 
BusyIndicator in there.

> On Feb. 27, 2016, 10:27 vorm., Kai Uwe Broulik wrote:
> > applets/weather/package/contents/ui/main.qml, lines 27-31
> > <https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/127193/diff/1/?file=445624#file445624line27>
> >
> >     Base those sizes on units.gridUnit * n
> Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
>     Any rule of thumbs I could use mapping the old pixel values to their `n` 
> counterparts?
>     Also wondering why one has to explicitely set min size, can't that be 
> calculated from the items and layout?

The "problem" is that the fullRepresentation is created on demand (if you 
expand the popup for the first time or it becomes large enough), so you cannot 
really access it from outside and/or know that in advance. There's a also a 
switchWidth/height property you can use to tell it when to collapse to 

> On Feb. 27, 2016, 10:27 vorm., Kai Uwe Broulik wrote:
> > applets/weather/package/contents/ui/main.qml, line 46
> > <https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/127193/diff/1/?file=445624#file445624line46>
> >
> >     units.smallSpacing
> >     
> >     The applet should have some inner padding automatically, however, I 
> > think
> Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
>     While plasmawindowed does not add padding, in Plasma itself indeed there 
> is padding given.
>     Still, seems these margins here are used to have the aligned with the 
> rounded ends of the bar behind the data rows. Removing them made things look 
> less nice IMHO, so kept them, with a note.

Ok, sure, if it looks better keep margins, I was just wondering if they're 
really neccessary.

> On Feb. 27, 2016, 10:27 vorm., Kai Uwe Broulik wrote:
> > applets/weather/package/metadata.desktop, line 61
> > <https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/127193/diff/1/?file=445625#file445625line61>
> >
> >     Do we have this category?
> Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
>     https://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Plasma/PIG lists it at least. And 
> referenced from 
> https://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Plasma5/QML2/GettingStarted

Ah, it's also listed in Widget Explorer category filter, fine then.

- Kai Uwe

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On Feb. 28, 2016, 8:11 nachm., Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/127193/
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated Feb. 28, 2016, 8:11 nachm.)
> Review request for Plasma and Marco Martin.
> Repository: kdeplasma-addons
> Description
> -------
> So the weather applet in branch kossebau/weatherapplet works okayish now 
> here, both on panel and on containment:
>       https://share.kde.org/index.php/s/MxwDYtmRw9TtQ8X
> This revival is done as minimal porting, after more considerations I for now 
> kept libplasmaweather as it is where possible (also because I use classes 
> from the lib in the QML plugin and in the applet, so some shared unit is 
> needed).
> I propose to do further modernizing & refactoring of the applet code only 
> once it works again completely and can be part of 5.6 release.
> Please help with a quick review. And also with a few issues that still need 
> to be solved for a perfect solution. Where I need your, the experts', help, 
> please read on.
> Layout:
> `configGeneral.qml` needs larger minimal sizes of the input fields. How can 
> this be done? I am lost with the QQ2 layout approach for now.
> Size of applet in fullRepresentation mode when expanded from panel:
> while the expanded applet had some kind of sane size all the time I was 
> playing (cmp. the screenshot), at one point the size of the expanded 
> representation only turned into some unusable 16x16 or similar size. For 
> existing applets and new ones.
> Q: Is this ported correctly (a hack I found elsewhere), or is there a better 
> way meanwhile?
> ```
>     q->setBusy(false);
> ```
> to
> ```
>     QObject *graphicObject = 
> q->property("_plasma_graphicObject").value<QObject *>();
>         if (graphicObject) {
>             graphicObject->setProperty("busy", false);
>         }
> ```
> Q: `Plasma::Applet::showMessage()` can be ported to what?
> Q: `DataEngine::query()` should be ported to? Similar code is unported also 
> in the weather/ions/ion_noaa dataengine in plasma-workspace.
> ```
>         Plasma::DataEngine::Data data = timeEngine->query(
>                  QString(QLatin1String( 
> "Local|Solar|Latitude=%1|Longitude=%2" )).arg(latitude).arg(longitude));
>         bool day = data[QLatin1String( "Corrected Elevation" )].toDouble() > 
> 0.0);
> ```
> Diffs
> -----
>   CMakeLists.txt 5568251 
>   applets/CMakeLists.txt bd3ea48 
>   applets/weather/CMakeLists.txt 354b6ee 
>   applets/weather/package/contents/config/config.qml PRE-CREATION 
>   applets/weather/package/contents/ui/DetailsView.qml bbcdd15 
>   applets/weather/package/contents/ui/FiveDaysView.qml a39f334 
>   applets/weather/package/contents/ui/Notice.qml d38c108 
>   applets/weather/package/contents/ui/NoticesView.qml 16923c4 
>   applets/weather/package/contents/ui/TopPanel.qml af57f45 
>   applets/weather/package/contents/ui/WeatherListView.qml b29099f 
>   applets/weather/package/contents/ui/configGeneral.qml PRE-CREATION 
>   applets/weather/package/contents/ui/main.qml c501ab3 
>   applets/weather/package/metadata.desktop 79646c2 
>   applets/weather/plasma-applet-weather.desktop aca6da2 
>   applets/weather/plugin/abstractunitlistmodel.h PRE-CREATION 
>   applets/weather/plugin/abstractunitlistmodel.cpp PRE-CREATION 
>   applets/weather/plugin/locationlistmodel.h PRE-CREATION 
>   applets/weather/plugin/locationlistmodel.cpp PRE-CREATION 
>   applets/weather/plugin/plugin.h PRE-CREATION 
>   applets/weather/plugin/plugin.cpp PRE-CREATION 
>   applets/weather/plugin/qmldir PRE-CREATION 
>   applets/weather/weatherapplet.h c4b376b 
>   applets/weather/weatherapplet.cpp 60f882a 
>   libs/CMakeLists.txt bd71119 
>   libs/plasmaweather/CMakeLists.txt a9faa7b 
>   libs/plasmaweather/plasmaweather.knsrc 8525f20 
>   libs/plasmaweather/plasmaweather_export.h 691db23 
>   libs/plasmaweather/weatherconfig.h 9b3c2d7 
>   libs/plasmaweather/weatherconfig.cpp 1ec0b42 
>   libs/plasmaweather/weatherconfig.ui f285fff 
>   libs/plasmaweather/weatheri18ncatalog.h 0122378 
>   libs/plasmaweather/weatheri18ncatalog.cpp 1868352 
>   libs/plasmaweather/weatherlocation.h 004d788 
>   libs/plasmaweather/weatherlocation.cpp 1d275ea 
>   libs/plasmaweather/weatherpopupapplet.h ce95a5a 
>   libs/plasmaweather/weatherpopupapplet.cpp 4533619 
>   libs/plasmaweather/weathervalidator.h eb33558 
>   libs/plasmaweather/weathervalidator.cpp 4d016e2 
> Diff: https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/127193/diff/
> Testing
> -------
> Thanks,
> Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

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