2016-04-07 19:47 GMT+02:00 Martin Gräßlin <mgraess...@kde.org>:
> Am 2016-04-07 18:01, schrieb Scarlett Clark:
>> FWIW some distros like Kubuntu (neon?) use systemsettings for all of
>> our system settings. So having separate places for all other settings
>> is very poor user experience.
> But Kubuntu uses Plasma and systemsettings is installed. So for Kubuntu it
> just doesn't matter whether there is appstream data for systemsettings. In
> fact it would be bad, why list something which the user has installed and
> should not uninstall.

AppStream has a compulsory_for_desktop key, which hides the uninstall
button - this is only really useful though if the app has addons to be
installed (and should be shown).

In the case of the systemd KCM, you could declare that to be an addon
to Systemsettings...

>> And I do recall seeing in various places third party KCMs like systemd
>> and feel that this absolutely should be supported.
> Sure, 3rd party can install to integrate with Plasma. That's fine. But not a
> reason to have systemsettings available outside of Plasma.


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