Hi Kai!
i would have written to the mailinglist like you suggested, but first i
wanted to tidy up our issues before telling about it at the hackfest :>

here a few infos off the top of my head.

On 18.04.2016 17:14, Kai Uwe Broulik wrote:
> Hi,
>> No particular theme but I expect me and Harald to be there for KDE neon.
> Awesome. So please have them explain the UX issues they're having with Plasma 
> in such an environment. Issues I could grasp so far were:
> * something about a printing tool kde 3 had we lost

yeah, a part of it was replaced by the implementation from credativ.

> * desktop pre-configuration

We work on different kinds of desktop systems atm, and have someone who
already has a configured desktop. but on the next login, the network
widget should show up, which is normally not shown (The admins requested
that, since they thought the user would deactivate the network
connection.. which can be quite bad, if your user is 6 kilometers away
in a kindergarden and not very techsavy.

> * kiosk and locking down the desktop so the user couldn't mess it up, 
> including the ability to have system settings take precedence (iirc kconfig 
> inheritance only works one-way)

for example not starting or stopping a widget, not change the
screensaver starting time and stuff like that. We have techsavy users
who can change their own configfiles

> * (plasma-)nm scripting / pre-configuration

that's more a vpnplugin issue (if i interpret that text in accordance to
our talk :D) with openconnect and not really an plasma issue, i think.
the vpnplugin  openconnect has only user privileges, but the almighty
powers that be, decided that the certificate for connecting to the
RemoteAccessSystem should be the same as the machine certificate. The
original cisco implementation (anyconnect) has an demon, which can
access that stuff, but the plugin cannot. credativ works at a demon for
that, but i do not know whether this should go upstream, or
networkmanager should integrate openconnect into their code more closely.

> * DrKonqi confusing users and the inability to report issues to us (policies) 
> so they should be auto-reported to their it dep

that was always some picknick idea of us. the administration regards
privacy very seriously, and the only way we could report issues would
be, if we could let them report to us, and we could define how much can
be seen in a coredump. i'm not totally sure how well that can be

> * folderview in multi-screen: each screen operates on the same desktop 
> folder, confusing users, especially those accustomed to Windows 

yeah... like a file in the folder on two screens.. user deletes the file
and does not expect it is not there on the other screen as well... and
more of that user-expecting-different-behaviour- or

atm we have some issues with akonadi and/or knotes, but iggi could tell
you more about that one.

But do not rush now...
We're not quite sure, which usecases/issues we have, should or can be
implemented within KDE/Plasma, but at least we thought it would be good
talking about it (or showing them to you).
Additionally ATM, we have a quite a lot heavy projects to build for the
city, so there there are legitimate fears we do not have enough time to
prepare and present you the issues in a good constructive way.

But i hope that explains at least a little bit our problems :-)

Yours, gn8,

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