> , or is this something I need to take to the Qt developers?

Yes, please, the more they hear about it the more likely they are to start 
doing something about it...

As for iPhone 6 plus, the reason is that internally the device renders 
everything at 3x size, to make scaling easy as iOS was never meant to have 
large screens and dynamic layouts (why would you want a bigger phone, heh). 
However, probably because they're much cheaper the iPhone 6plus has a regular 
FullHD screen to which the final contents are downsampled, resulting in 
different physical sizing compared to similarly sized Android devices.

Moreover Qt changed something in 5.6 which causes Qt to base its scaling on the 
virtual canvas rather than the actual rendered surface making everything 
smaller. I cannot judge which approach is more correct but in my apps I 
basically hacked back in the old scaling behavior. 

Kai Uwe 

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