On Thursday 21 April 2016 07:42:52 Dirk Hohndel wrote:
> (1) the keyboard issue on both iOS and (maybe less so) Android.
>     Sometimes the virtual keyboard opening is deteceted correctly and
>     correct bottom margin is added, sometimes it isn't. So either we
>     compensate for the bug in Kirigami (as we do today) and then get the
>     HUGE gray empty area above the virtual keyboard when Qt does detect
>     the keyboard being there, or we don't, and then the keyboard hides the
>     lower part of the page and you can't scroll that up, either.

to me the whole app still consistently slide up, having the huge blank 
rectangle, that the application thinks it's covered by the keyboard, didn't 
find a solution yet :/

> (2) the inferior text input fields.
>     Both on iOS and Android the TextField does not act the same way as a
>     native text input field does. The copy/cut/paste/positioning(loupe)
>     functionality that the user expects from an app on that platform
>     simply  aren't there. Trying to follow the argument in the Qt bugs
>     that have been filed on this gives you ulcers.

most of the efforts by Qt developers are now in QtQuickcontrols2 (that's why 
for instance buttons are not looking like material ones, their work of 
integrating with material is all on the next iteration)

they can be tried already in Qt 5.6 with the import Qt.labs.controls (quite 
outdated tough)
in Qt 5.7 it should QtQuick.controls 2.0

> (3) the ListView scrolling issue
>     When scrolling a ListView it's very easy to get into a state where QML
>     gets confused and part or all of the screen becomes background color
>     and trying to scroll makes things jump around erratically. This seems
>     to happen at the bottom of longer lists and usually is triggered by
>     scrolling faster.

I think this is due to the listview in subsurface having sections, it seems a 
bug of the native ListView component (list items having different heights is 
apparently giving a lot of problems)
Setting the section headers the exact same height of the other list items and 
ensuring every item has exactly the same height should mitigate the problem

Marco Martin
Plasma-devel mailing list

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