so... i thoroughly testet all of the following keys...
i tried to summarize what they should do or >actually< do..

action/switch_user=false     # Whether switching to another user is allowed
action/lock_screen=false     # Whether locking the screen is allowed
action/logout=false # Whether the desktop contextmenu or applicationlauncher show the logout option logout=false # Whether the applicationlauncher shows the logout button
#both keys set to false still lets you logout via the desktopmenu (cashew)
action/kwin_rmb=false # Whether the user can show the context menu on window titles. Also affects the context menu on taskbar items
action/kdesktop_rmb=false # Whether the user can right click on a file icon on the desktop
# this only works with plasma in "folderview" mode on real files
# plasma in "desktop" mode with "folderview widget" still allows rightclick
action/fullscreen=false # Whether gwenview for example can switch to fullscreen
action/plasma/containment_actions=false # Whether the user can right click on the desktop to get any actions # this only works when the desktop is locked and only for the panel and the desktop
# the panel still shows the menu but the menu is dead
plasma/plasmashell/unlockedDesktop=false # Whether applets/containments can be added/removed plasma/allow_configure_when_locked=false # Whether an applet already added to the desktop can be configured. # this still shows a contextmenu with the configure option on applets in the "panel"
# those menuentries are dead (this is confusing and should be fixed)
movable_toolbars=false       # Whether toolbars can be moved
# the still can be unlocked and REmoved - which is worse !!
action/run_command=false # Whether krunner can be launched by the context menu run_command=false # Whether krunner can be launched by shortcuts alt+f2 or alt+space #both keys set to false still lets you access "krunner" by typing on the desktop
#both keys disable running arbitrary commands like "killall konsole"
action/shell_access=false           # Whether the user can launch a shell
# it's still possible to open "konsole" !
action/start_new_session=false      # Whether a new session can be started
plasma-desktop/add_activities=false # Whether a new activity can be added # adding activities is not working but not showing the whole sidepanel would be better


enabling ALL of these restrictions generates an almost locked desktop.. almost..

1.) the desktopmenu (hamburgermenu) still allows to start the configuration panel for activities

2.) the desktopmenu still shows a "leave" button and ignores action/logout

3.) the applicationlauncher still lets you configure applications (this could be destructive)

4.) rightclick on systemtray still shows "system tray options" and "panel options" (bouth menus are dead)

5.) typing on the desktop still launches the "run command" interface (klauncher)

6.) toolbars can still be unlocked and therefore easily hidden (need a way to prevent unlocking)

as workaround (for now) i'm going to use the desktop "tweaks" to hide the misbehaving desktop menu and "sudo chmod -x /usr/bin/kmenuedit" to create another "dead" menuentry.. the only thing i don't know how to prevent is the removal of important toolbars.. i already hear the teachers whining about not being able to "print" or "undo" stuff..


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