> Your argument above exactly shows to me why this _is_ related to the
> rebranding: You seeing Plasma's launcher specifically as an "entrance to

Rebranding was about KDE is the community, not the software.

It is *not* about "Plasma works as well with non-KDE software as with
the KDE-software". Plasma will always work better with KDE software,
in the sense it is more integrated.

If we said anything else, we would be lying. Plasma is meant to be
used with Dolphin. etc. Now, it can be used with something else, and
Dolphin can be used in Gnome, but it will be less than when used

> This is an excellent point: We have made several attempts to define what,
> apart from plasmashell, makes up "the Plasma workspace". The

I know. And not being able to define this (btw, this is not only a
question for Plasma and VDG, but also of those apps that might see
themselves as a part of the desktop environment) is the main reason
why we should not go for the half-baked ideas.

> The VDG is convinced that it would be hugely beneficial if we (along with
> the maintainers of the respective applications) would finally define which
> apps belong to the workspace, and then to put them all under one brand.

I agree. The question will be - is that brand Plasma or something
else? What will be the logo for that brand? What will be the
connection to the already existing and recognizable brand we currently

I'm not usually the one to slow down the progress, but I'm not a fan
of changing something just for the sake of that change. We need a pros
and cons list - concrete pros and cons, not 'it will make a
distinction between workspace and applications', but 'this distinction
will make it better to ...', etc.

Just remember, we are not a new kid on the block; we are not ashamed
of our past to need a completely new start, new name, new everything;
we need evolution, not rebirth. :) (I'm going to stop now :) )

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