On Wednesday 29 June 2016 15:19:40 Marek Marczykowski-Górecki wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to setup some defaults for all users (at package level),
> including some customizations:
> 1. Setup default theme
> 2. Setup default wallpaper
> 3. Set custom menu icon (application launcher?)
> 4. Set default menu style to "Application Menu"
> 5. Remove section "Places" from "Computer" tab, or even remove
> "Computer" tab completely in Application Launcher

this  may be something for kiosk?

> 6. Remove "New Session" feature (from all the places: menu, screen
> locker, etc)

also this may be supported by kiosk?

> 7. Place some applications as "Favorites" by default
> 8. Remove "device notifier" and some other applets

I think all of this can be done by providing a custom "look and feel" package,
with a layout.js script. Even if the details of it are not complete yet, 
should already be possible to set the theme, plasma and widgets, wallpaper, 
and menu icon


(discarding all the subdirectories containing qml files)

> Any idea how to do (any of) that? Preferably without patching existing
> programs (but if no other option - this will also do).
> I've tried using scripts:
> https://userbase.kde.org/KDE_System_Administration/PlasmaTwoDesktopScripting
> but failed. For example I see no way to remove
> entries/applets/plasmoids. Also debugging is quite painful, because I

on first startup when the layout.js gets executed you don't have to remove 
plasmoids: you have an empty setup in which you only add what you need.

> have no idea where to looks for logs (like what entry was loaded, what
> was ignored at all etc), I can only guess looking at the result. And
> frequently wondering why my script wasn't launched at all...

in order to do tests, is convenient to use the interactive scripting console 
by launching

qdbus org.kde.plasmashell /PlasmaShell showInteractiveConsole

even tough it will be a slightly different situation as you have a complete 
setup already.

(in order to make this sort of things easier i'm making a tool that will 
create a look and feel package based on the current plasma layout, but will be 
available from 5.8)

Marco Martin
Plasma-devel mailing list

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