
In Qt4, we had qtscriptgenerator which helped in generating Qt
bindings, which are needed to import qt extensions to QScriptEngine
etc. However, AFAIK this hasn't made it to Qt5 or at least there, is
no official release yet.

Can anyone point me to or show me how one can generate Qt script
bindings in Qt5 ?

I have considered using some unofficial Qt5 ports[1][2] of
qscriptgenerator, but I faced errors while compiling/building them
from source and they seem to be unmaintained too, since quite some
time now. I have duly reported them as issues against the relevant

What's the best fix/workaround to this ? Any suggestions ?

[1] https://github.com/svalaskevicius/qtscriptgenerator
[2] https://github.com/svalaskevicius/qtjs-generator
[3] https://github.com/svalaskevicius/qtjs-generator/issues/24

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