On Thursday, August 11, 2016 12:58:25 AM UTC kainz.a wrote:
> since a few days you can find in breeze-icons the posibility that folders
> follow the color scheme colors. 
> https://kdeonlinux.wordpress.com/2016/08/08/rainbow-folders/
> As visual changes for folders are very importend for the user (visible in
> dolphin quite often) I'd like to discuss if we should use the stylesheed
> color.
> pro
> + unified layout the plasma theme, window decoration follow the color scheme
> + distros can brand default breeze easy without fork it
> + plasma designer get more power
> + no visual changes for the default color schemes (breeze and breeze-dark)
> con
> - new features mean new bugs (select folder in dolphin)
> - visual changes via update. user can't switch to old blue folders
> feedback is very welcome. please test the new feature it wasn't released in
> kf 5.25 it's only inmaster

I think the point of allowing icons to be styled was to improve contrast for 
monochrome icons. For at least three of the 7 colors you give as example in 
your blog, the contrast is actually reduced, so they're harder to recognize.
The lowest row with the grey overlay looks actually broken to me. 

For folders, I don't see a real usecase other than "because we can". Am I 
missing something?

Did you test this with app-specific color schemes?
This I assume is only for the default folders, but what about the folder icons 
that are already colored? If I'm using a green folder, and then change the 
highlight color to something green, the contrast between the green and normal 
folders is lost.

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