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(Updated Sept. 1, 2016, 10:50 a.m.)

Review request for KDE Frameworks and Plasma.


Don't pass WindowThumbnail as argument to runnable, but instead pass the 
relevant data.

Repository: plasma-framework


WindowThumbnail did some open GL operations, discarding old textures, in the 
GUI thread. Whislt it's not going to cause a threading issue (as 
updatePaintNode always ran when the main thread was blocked) we're not meant to 
mix threads with openGL contexts.

It also seems to have a GL leak on nvidia, which was previously masked
by the double delete fixed in https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/126131/diff/2/
It seems only one worked, and in the applied version we went with the wrong one.

This patch makes use of QQuickItem::releaseResources to delete the GL
textures on window change and destructor; it's then removed from
stopRedirecting so that start/stop redirecting handles xcb on the GUI thread 
and updatePaintNode/discardPixmap is the GL stuff on the render thread. 

See http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qquickitem.html#graphics-resource-handling


Diffs (updated)


Diff: https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/128763/diff/


Using nvidia with proprietory drivers (which puts me QSG_RENDER_LOOP=threaded) 
mouse over the panel a lot. VRAM didn't increase. Previews still appear. 
"Used Dedicated Memory:" in nvidia-settings remained roughly static, rather 
than constantly increasing.


David Edmundson

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