Martin Klapetek wrote:

> For improving readability, there is bugzilla-traceparser plugin, that can
> dynamically
> hide looooooooong backtraces with a bit of JS magic to expand them and much
> more
> like finding duplicates and also auto-dupe. I still think this would help
> tremendously to
> all our bugzilla users.

Yes, long inline backtraces do not make it easier to navigate a bug report.

Still, the best thing would be a formal way to attach a backtrace, e.g. as an 
attachment with a standardised name. I'm thinking of a dedicated entry field on 
the bug entry webpage and programmatic hooks to upload and query these 

In the meantime, the length limit ticket I reported got reassigned to DrKonqi 
apparently there's always been a 64k limit which corresponds also to a database 
limit that cannot easily be changed.


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