hpereiradacosta added a comment.

  > personally, (and would be good if thomas, jens or alex from the cdg weigh 
on that) I would have the default as:
  > - small scrollbar
  > - show on mouseover enabled
  > - no arrow buttons
  +1 on this.
  Been using this setup for few days now and am  very happy with it
  > tough i feel there may be the need for configuration options,
  ok :)
  so far I have been the only one advocating for not having an option anyway.
  > even tough i usually really dislike them, for the code complexity reason 
you rightly mentioned
  > we could even try to make this not configurable for 5.9 and see what the 
feedback is and eventually get the options back later..
  yes. In fact  you could even push the code "as is", but removing without the 
ui elements. (to have "hidden" options)

  rBREEZE Breeze



To: mart, #plasma, #vdg, hpereiradacosta
Cc: colomar, alex-l, plasma-devel, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, 
abetts, sebas

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