Thanks for the answer. I tried again using the new guide.

On installing, I got a lot of errors (XX=number) - it can't boot from the secondary rom.

> Error opening: '/data/lxc/containers/system/rootfs/dev/{ram,loop}XX' (Not a directory)

What I did earlier was:

~ $ git clone
~/pm-flashtool $ ./flash-multirom
~/pm-flashtool $ ./flash-multirom -c

On 2016-11-04 06:43, Bhushan Shah wrote:

On Thu, Nov 03, 2016 at 01:41:58PM +0100, Tobias Girstmair wrote:
Using pm-flashtool/flash-multirom, it sucessfully downloads, pushes and
extracts the archives to the phone, but (both the patched and original)
MultiRom Manager and TWRP recovery can't see it.
Can you tell me which instructions you followed to get it working? I've
just updated the wiki page about new Cyanogenmod base to include
instructions for MultiROM

Can you try following that?


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