mvourlakos updated the summary for this revision. mvourlakos updated this revision to Diff 7976. mvourlakos added a comment.
clean up a bit and comment more... - even though on startup the shadows are not shown correctly with disabled effects, when changing the plasma theme they are re-appearing, commenting in function void PanelView::updateEnabledBorders() the line, //if (m_enabledBorders != borders) { fixes the isssue but needs investigation why this happens REPOSITORY rPLASMAWORKSPACE Plasma Workspace CHANGES SINCE LAST UPDATE REVISION DETAIL AFFECTED FILES shell/panelview.cpp shell/panelview.h EMAIL PREFERENCES To: mvourlakos, #plasma, davidedmundson Cc: mart, broulik, plasma-devel, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas