luebking added a comment.

  "On Wayland that kded has no real access to the layouts and cannot
  properly implement switching. Given that it's better to integrate the
  SNI directly in KWin."
  I'll raise a fundamental question: is wayland prone to end up being
  PID 0: systemd
  PID 1: kwin
  Since kwin is the new display server, it may need an interface in such 
occasions, signalling the change, exposing the layout and allow clients to 
alter the layout.
  Suppose someone would want to have a virtual keyboard with a layout 
indicator/switcher, that should not be dragged into kwin? Latter is now an 
absolutely crucial process (notably as long as handing over wayland clients 
isn't supported) and dragging in functionality drags in complexity drags in 
crashes …

  R108 KWin



To: graesslin, #kwin, #plasma_on_wayland
Cc: luebking, plasma-devel, kwin, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, hardening, 
jensreuterberg, abetts, eliasp, sebas

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