subdiff added a comment.

  In, @anthonyfieroni wrote:
  > In work i'm on 5.8 :) I don't know what you want to see in screenshot when 
we talk to pixel density i.e. it depends on diagonal inches. I will update 
patch with heading levels instead of labels and no magic numbers, later this 
night :)
  So it's not really a problem of the usage of magic numbers in current code or 
that it's not a heading, but of the choice of the text size itself.
  But I just tried it out on a 13 inch, 2560x1440 laptop with scaling factor 1, 
and it's still fine to read for me.
  Of course if you would apply a scaling factor higher than 1, the text in the 
tooltips will get bigger aswell. If you're not comfortable with the small sizes 
on your particular screen I would recommend that. Because on the other side 
from my understand most people like the new ultra small size of the tooltips, 
especially on devices with low dpi ratios.

  R119 Plasma Desktop



To: anthonyfieroni, #plasma, #plasma:_design
Cc: broulik, subdiff, hein, plasma-devel, davidedmundson, lesliezhai, 
ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, apol

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