fvogt planned changes to this revision.
fvogt added a comment.

  I would fix the clipboard content issue with klipper (although I find that 
approach wrong as it's too complicated as a seemingly unrelated component needs 
to support the screenlocker), but I do not have enough experience in that area 
to do it properly.
  Once that is fixed, I can remove the condition around the clipboard clear 
code. I would very much like to keep the show password button configuration 
  > It's the typical KDE 3 approach of not knowing what we want to do, so we 
offer an option.
  No, it's the approach of setting a sane default and letting the user change 

  R133 KScreenLocker


To: fvogt, #plasma, graesslin
Cc: plasma-devel, progwolff, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, 
sebas, apol

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