hein added a comment.

  On a very high level I'm a little bit worried we're going to make the same 
mistake as on X11 again, where we have invested a lot into keyboard layout 
smarts (a KCM, a dynamic indicator, things like this) that ultimately don't 
satisfy modern requirements and have caused us to fall behind on proper text 
input support. The KCM should be managing input languages instead of keyboard 
layouts (though an appropriate layout for the language does also matter), the 
indicator should reflect the active input language engine, and so on. Most 
other systems do this, along with featuring language-agnostic stuff like emoji 
input and typing-booster prominently in the system and its UI.
  Catching up to the state of the art should be on our minds ... is there 
anything you can think of here that would be worth making more generic at this 
point? Can this switching policy stuff later be subsumed by something 
higher-level that manages the layout?

  R108 KWin


To: graesslin, #kwin, #plasma
Cc: hein, plasma-devel, kwin, progwolff, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, hardening, 
jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, apol

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