Am 2017-04-08 19:40, schrieb Ivan Čukić:
Hi Martin,

I think this needs more in-depth investigation.

That's exactly why I put up this thread!

From my point of view, window switching, present windows and the
desktop grid are essentially the same thing. The best solution IMO
would be to combine them all,

Wishful thinking :-) I wanted to have that for years:

and the UI should not be the same for
all devices.

For example, on a medium screen, for devices that are handheld, window
switcher is perfect since the window list is reachable with the finger
the user swiped with.

For small screens, that is on the phones, the whole screens should be
coverable by 'the finger', so a whole screen could be used for the
switching (like present windows).

On larger devices that are not handhelds, but are still touch-enabled,
we could have a desktop grid, or some present windows + present
virtual desktops switcher.

I wasn't exactly clear on for what I want to have the gestures. The gestures should be for notebooks which have touch screens. Plasma phone needs completely different gestures and giving the design it should just disable all.

For convertables (e.g. Lenovo Yoga) the same gestures as for notebooks might make sense but it would also be possible to consider different gestures once it's in "tablet" mode. But we currently aren't able to detect that at all, so for the moment we only need to consider what we support: notebooks with touch screens.

Personally I think that this will be a feature which we will advertise in the release announcement and we must define some default gestures, otherwise we just look unpolished. We should assign a gesture even if we would want a better fitting UI - we don't have that and we won't get that any time soon. So better trigger Alt+Tab than no window switching at all.


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