It's labour day, so the list of people attending was rather short.

Present: Sho, llucas, romangg, sebas (who has nothing relevant to report)

* [General/Launchers] Resurrected the Icons -> Advanced -> Panel size Settings
ow wait ... it's 1st May
** The default applet compact repr, the custom Kicker/Dashboard compact repr 
and the Icon applet now use this setting as maximum size when in a panel
** Fixes major pain point for users of wide vertical panels, where launchers/
icons grow to panel width, taking up major vertical space
** Complements a similar change recently done to the Task Manager applet to 
make the icon size configurable in vertical panels (this config remains as the 
TM applet is still special, e.g. re multi-column vertical layouts)
** Raised the default from 32 to 48 across the KCM code and the Breeze and 
Oxygen icon themes to match the Task Manager default
* [Launchers] Helped Ivan grapple with the Kicker backend for the new "Often 
used" tab in Kickoff by fixing some issues causing infinite loops in both old 
and new code
* [Pager] Tried to make sense of/reproduce a "dragging window to a different 
desktop only works when dragging down first" report, unsuccessfully though
* [Other] Researched Akademy flight plan, waiting for e.V. to book for me
* [Personal] Vacation day tomorrow, Wednesday 20h+ travel for a biz trip, 
recovery unknown :)

* the promo team wants to make weekly reports out of our meeting notes, a good 
idea explained at
* speaking about wayland we have a few user visible changes for Plasma 5.10  While i think we should mention them 
in our 5.10 announcement

* working on the redshift for wayland last week, but it's a hard grind to 
split up the stuff on KWin and P-W/P-D
sebas |

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