>This explains what it is, it doesn't explain what's changed since the last
>"Folder View is now the default desktop ..."

Changed to "Due to the popular demand we changed to Folder View as the
default desktop which allows users to put whatever files or folders
they want easy access to"

>That's confusing. Maybe try
>The Plasma Search, Krunner, can now list non-installed applications in the
>software centre.


>I'm missing all the touch screen improvements like on screen keyboard in lock 
>screen. Swipe from left edge for alt+tab etc.

Sorry about that, however my general rule for promo videos is to show
only what I can test/make a screen recording.  Due to the technical
limitations (I only have a pc and do not own any devices with touch
screen or even  touchpad) I will not be able to do this. Theoretically
I could "fake" a touch screen like experience, however it would
require some careful screen recording and custom effect. Given the
fact I do most of the work myself and my efforts to reach wider
audience in KDE community weren't to successful [1], [2] I just do not
have a time for this. However I hope that situation will improve once
we will set up a proper communication channel for the freshly
assembled promo team (including skadinna and paulb).

1. https://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=285&t=135976
2. https://phabricator.kde.org/T6065


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