cfeck added a comment.

  In, @subdiff wrote:
  > In, @cfeck wrote:
  > >
  > Sorry, but I can't find the relevant part here. Can you quote it?
  I wanted you to read it all ;)
  First, the difference between "color management" and "color correction" is 
that color correction is only one step in the color management workflow. KWin 
would need (again) be able to apply color correction to take part in the color 
management workflow. As such, the terms color correction and color management 
can be used interchangeably in the context of KWin discussion.
  Gamma correction (as implemented by the hardware LUTs) cannot be used for 
color correction, because it lacks the cross-component modifications computed 
by the 3x3 matrix or the 3D LUT.
  The term "gamma correction" has been used since decades in the context of 
video cards, even if they are not only used to apply gamma correction, but also 
brigthness/contrast adjustments, color inversion effects, and temperature 
  Anyway, says:
  Q. What is the structure of a display profile?
  A. Display profiles are commonly of the Matrix/TRC type, in which case they 
contain (in addition to the tags which all profiles are required to have, such 
as white point and copyright information):
  - a 3x3 matrix of the colorant primaries tristimulus values
  - a one-dimensional tone curve for each colorant
  They can also be of the multi-dimensional look-up table (or LUT) type, in 
which case they have:
  - a 3x3 matrix
  - a one-dimensional tone curve for each colour channel
  - a three-dimensional look-up table
  - a second 1D tone curve for each channel

  R108 KWin


To: subdiff, #kwin
Cc: cfeck, graesslin, davidedmundson, plasma-devel, kwin, ZrenBot, spstarr, 
progwolff, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, hardening, jensreuterberg, abetts, eliasp, 
sebas, apol, mart, hein, lukas

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