Dear Plasma team,
as requested, I forwarded the email below which was sent to the board mailing 
list to what I hope is the correct community.

----------  Forwarded Message  ----------

Subject: kubuntu 16-17, systemsettings, display with two monitors
Date: Samstag, 15. Juli 2017, 14:28:21 CEST
From: Mulczinski <>

Please direct my wish to the correct community:

Dear programmers,

it would be great, if you could program, that all open windows stay on 
the primary display, after activating a second monitor. (Now they all 
move to the freshly initialized display, though it is not the main one. 
Further after booting most of the opened programs do not appear on the 
primary display!!!)

Thank you

Mulczinski, Berlin

(Originally for, but this adress does'nt exist)


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